Matters close to the heart: adaptation of tacrolimus models to inform therapeutic drug monitoring using the PRIOR approach

Introduction. External evaluation of published tacrolimus population pharmacokinetic models (n=17) highlighted that no available model accurately describes tacrolimus disposition in heart transplant (HTX) recipients, both with and without concomitant azole antifungal therapy.1 Concomitant azole antifungal therapy alters tacrolimus disposition substantially necessitating dose adjustments. The incorporation of azole antifungal use as a covariate may improve model-predicted […]

External evaluation of population pharmacokinetic models of tacrolimus in adult heart transplant recipients

Background. Numerous population pharmacokinetic (popPK) models of tacrolimus (TAC) in adult transplant recipients have been published. However, data on the accuracy of Bayesian forecasting with concomitant azole therapy or extrapolation to other transplant cohorts are scarce. Aims. To externally validate the predictive performances of relevant popPK models of TAC in adult heart transplant (HTX) recipients […]

Predictive performance of a Bayesian forecasting software for tacrolimus in adult heart transplant

Introduction: Previous clinical audit of tacrolimus (TAC) in 2017 heart transplant (HTx) recipients at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney (SVH) observed poor sampling time of TAC trough concentrations.Bayesian forecasting software may assist in the interpretation of TAC concentrations collected at any point in time. Aims: To evaluate the predictive performance of a Bayesian forecasting software, DoseMeRx® (Brisbane, Australia) in […]