
The Population Analysis Workshops (PAWs) and the PAGANZ Scientific Program will be held at City West campus, University of South Australia (UniSA), Adelaide, South Australia.

Initial registration will be in the Sir George Kingston Building (GK) City West Campus GK2-15, with the Beginners and Intermediate PAWS in separate parallel sessions. Please see below specific PAWS rooms.

The PAGANZ scientific meeting will be held in the Bradley Forum, of the Hawke Building (H) of the UniSA City West campus.

A detailed map of the UniSA City West Campus is available online here.

Please note that this year we will be running both PAWS as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

You will require your own working installation of NONMEM. Meeting attendees will be sent an email containing a link to all PAWS material, including access to NONMEM installation files and a temporary license associated with the meeting.

Intermediate PAWS attendees will also require R Studio an R installation, which is available through most Universities and is free / discounted for researchers. Specific information about the R installation and libraries is provided in the PAWS material. Please ensure that you read this carefully and check the functionality.

Social Events

Monday 30th January, 2023
1830Student Social function: The Wellington Hotel, 36 Wellington Square, North Adelaide. Look out for an email from Hailemichael Hishe and Laila Nassar for details!
Tuesday 31st January, 2023
1800PAGANZ Dinner: Majestic Roof Garden Hotel, 55 Frome Street.

Population Analysis Workshops (PAWs)

Beginners PAWs
Coordinator: Jacqueline Hannam (University of Auckland) and James Morse (University of Auckland)

Monday 30th January, 2023

0800Registration and coffeeSir George Kingston Building (GK)
City West Campus GK2-15
0830Introduction to population methodsSir George Kingston Building (GK)
City West Campus GK2-16
1000Morning tea
1030Hands on with NONMEM I: Residual variance models
1300Building structural models
1500Afternoon tea
1530Building covariate models

Tuesday 31st January, 2023

0800Registration and coffeeSir George Kingston Building (GK)
City West Campus GK2-15
0830Hands on with NONMEM II: Covariate modelsSir George Kingston Building (GK)
City West Campus GK2-16
1000Morning tea
1030Critical appraisal and discussion

Intermediate PAWs

Monday 30th January, 2023

Pharmacoeconomics – 1 day

Coordinators: Thomas Lung (The George Institute for Global Health / University of Sydney), Tracey Laba (University of South Australia) and David Foster (University of South Australia).

For this workshop there will be a mixture of theory and hands on throughout the day using “R”.

Specific information about the R installation and libraries is provided in the PAWS material. Please ensure that you read this carefully and check the functionality.

0800Registration and coffeeSir George Kingston Building (GK)
City West Campus GK2-15
0830Introduction to health economic modelsSir George Kingston Building (GK)
City West Campus GK2-12
1000Morning tea
1030Health economic modelling I
1300Health economic modelling II
1500Afternoon tea
1530PK-PD integration to health economics

Tuesday 31st January, 2023

An introduction to CAR-T Population kinetic analyses – 1/2 day

Coordinators: Mirjam Trame (Certara) and Stephen Duffull (Certara)

For this workshop there will be a mixture of theory and hands on throughout the day using NONMEM and your favourite data presentation/visualisation platform for NONMEM outputs.

0800 Registration and coffeeSir George Kingston Building (GK)
City West Campus GK2-15
0830Using Clin Pharm and PMX to Accelerate Cell
Therapeutics Development: A Patient’s CAR-T Journey
Sir George Kingston Building (GK)
City West Campus GK2-12
1000Morning tea
1030Introduction to CAR-T cell data, data model and model exploration

PAGANZ Annual Scientific Meeting

Bradley Forum, Hawke Building (H) City West campus

Tuesday 31st January, 2023

1330Welcome to the PAGANZ Scientific meetingDavid Foster
Free oral presentations 1Chair: Hailemichael Hishe
1340VPs, QSPs, Ensembles and Education
Stephen Duffull
1415 New Insights into the Pharmacokinetics of Gentamicin, Amikacin and Vancomycin – from Neonates to AdultsNick Holford
1435Semi-mechanistic modelling of ceftolozane/tazobactam plus tobramycin against planktonic and biofilm bacteria of hypermutable Pseudomonas aeruginosa epidemic strainsCornelia Landersdorfer
1455Tea + Posters
Free oral presentations 2Chair: James Morse
1530A Complete Bayesian Workflow in PumasMohamed Tarek
1550Preliminary development of a semi physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model for rocuroniumDavid Foster
1610Session ends
1630Annual General MeetingJaqueline Hannam
1800PAGANZ Dinner: Majestic Roof Garden Hotel, 55 Frome Street

Wednesday 1st February, 2023

0800 Registration and coffee
0830WelcomeDavid Foster
0835ISoP Lecture
“Quantitative systems pharmacology and pharmacometrics in drug development: one, the other or both?”
Piet van der Graaf
Senior Vice President, Quantitative Systems Pharmacology
Professor of Systems Pharmacology, Canterbury Innovation Centre, Certara.
Free oral presentations 3 – Students 1Chair: Shaun Kumar
0930Population pharmacokinetics of milrinone in premature neonates to adolescentsConor O’Hanlon
0950The impact of birth on propofol clearance maturationJames Morse
1010Tea + Posters
Free oral presentations 4 – Students 2Chair: Cornelia Landersdorfer
1030Time Course of Procalcitonin Concentration Following Birth and SurgeryAbigail Bokor
1050Mixed-effect meta-analysis of published NCA data for CannabidiolSadikalmahdi Abdella
1110A consistent nomenclature for describing pharmacokinetics and dialyser performanceLaila Nassar
1130Pharmacodynamic modelling approaches in the setting of suboptimal drug adherenceHailemichael Hishe
1150Favipiravir pharmacokinetics in infants and young children with chronic RNA viral infectionsIek Cheng
1210Session ends
1215Student prize presentations and meeting closeJacqueline Hannam