
Social Events

Wednesday 6 Feb 2019
1700-1900 h Welcome reception

Galbraith’s Ale House
2 Mt Eden Road, Grafton, Auckland
Friday 8 Feb 2019
1700 h PAGANZ Dinner

Brothers Brewery
5 Akiraho St, Mt Eden, Auckland

PAWS – Beginner workshop

Thursday 7 Feb 2019

0800-0830 h Registration and coffee Atrium
0830-1000 h Introduction to population methods Seminar room 505-003
1000-1030 h Morning tea Atrium
1030-1200 h Hands on with NONMEM: Residual variance models Computer lab 503-124
1200-1300 h Lunch Atrium
1300-1500 h Building Structural Models Seminar room 505-003
1500-1530 h Afternoon tea Atrium
1530-1700 h Building Covariate Models Computer lab 503-124
1700-1930 h Cetara Student and Early Careers Night
Seminar room 503-020

Friday 8 Feb 2019

0800-0830 h Registration and coffee Atrium
0830-1000 h Hands on with NONMEM II: Covariate models Computer lab 503-124
1000-1030 h Morning tea Atrium
1030-1200 h Critical Appraisal and Discussion Seminar room 505-003
1200-1300 h Lunch Atrium

End of PAWS program, PAGANZ program commences

PAWS – Intermediate workshop

Thursday 7 Feb 2019

0800-0830 h Registration and coffee Atrium
0830-1000 h Part I: TMDD Model and Equations Computer lab 503‐124
1000-1030 h Morning tea Atrium
1030-1200 h Part II: TMDD Model Approximations: Derivations, Selection and Applications Seminar room 505003
1200-1300 h Lunch Atrium
1300-1500 h Part III: Applications to Drug Development of Biologics Computer lab 503‐124
1500-1530 h Afternoon tea Atrium
1530-1700 h Part IV: Case Studies Seminar room 505003
1700-1930 h Cetara Student and Early Careers Night  Seminar room 503-020

Friday 8 Feb 2019

0800-0830 h Registration and coffee Atrium
0830-1000 h Introduction to model definition using CellML and OpenCore Seminar room 505-003
1000-1030 h Morning tea Atrium
1030-1200 h Hands on with CellML and OpenCore Computer lab 503-124
1200-1300 h Lunch Atrium

End of PAWS program, PAGANZ program commences

PAGANZ Annual Scientific Meeting

Lecture Hall 505-007

Friday 8 Feb 2019

Session: ISoP Lectureship
1330-1335 h Welcome Jacqueline Hannam
1335-1415 h Twenty Five Years of TMDD Development: History, Current State, and Future Directions Katya Gibiansky Leonid Gibiansky
Session: Free oral presentations 1
Chair: Jacqueline Hannam
1415-1430 h A mathematical model for warfarin reversal using vitamin K  Anna Cao
1430-1445 h Quantifying the Dose-Response of Unfractionated Heparin Using a System Pharmacology Model of Coagulation Abdallah Derbalah
1445-1500 h The Influence of Genotype on Warfarin Dose Predictions  Guangda Ma
1500-1530 h Afternoon tea
Session: Free oral presentations 2
Chair: Janet Wade
1530-1545 h A review of current infusion regimens of propofol in neonates and infants James Morse
1545-1600 h A Population Pharmacokinetic Model of Phenobarbitone in Neonates to Determine Oral Bioavailability and Facilitate Individualised Dosing Angela Williams
1600-1615 h A Population Pharmacokinetic Study of Caffeine Citrate in Chinese Premature Neonates Xiaoyan Yang
1615-1630 h A Population Pharmacodynamic Study of Apnea of Prematurity and the Effect of Caffeine Citrate in Chinese Premature Neonates Nick Holford
1630-1645 h Modelling of delivery kinetics of gentamicin administered through umbilical long lines Gianna Salis
1645-1700 h Pharmacometric modelling of deuterium exposure in breastfeeding mother-infant pairs for the determination of exclusive breastfeeding practice Zheng Liu
1700-1800 h PAGANZ Annual General Meeting

Saturday 9 Feb 2019

0800-0830 h Registration and coffee, foyer
Session: 20 years of PAGANZ
Chair: Dan Wright
0830-0845 h Twenty years of PAGANZ Nick Holford
0845-0900 h Paracetamol over twenty years Brian Anderson
0900-0915 h Combining PK and PD data; it was twenty years ago today…. (apologies to Sgt. Pepper) Janet Wade
0915-0930 h TBA Mats Karlsson
0930-0945 h From the First to the NextDose: My journey through twenty years of PAGANZ Sam Holford
0945-1000 h Future work in Auckland: procalcitonin in healthy & infected neonates to inform PKPD disease progression modelling Jacqueline Hannam
1000-1030 h Morning tea
Session: Free oral presentations 3
Chair: Stefanie Hennig
1030-1045 h Predictive performance of a Bayesian forecasting software for tacrolimus in adult heart transplant Ranita Kirubakaran
1045-1100 h A quantitative systems pharmacology model for glutathione depletion during paracetamol overdose Jingyun Li
1100-1115 h An ePKPD model for sodium nitroprusside in adolescents Salma Bahnasawy
1115-1130 h Implementation of an approximate input forcing function for modelling single tissues in the Open Pharmacology Suite Jim H. Hughes
1130-1145 h Investigating the pharmacokinetics of snake venom – a cocktail of toxins Suchaya Sanhajariya
1145-1200 h An extension of Janmahasatian’s fat-free mass model to incorporate differences due to ethnicity Jaydeep Sinha
1200-1215 h Evaluation of the fingerprint profiles of the cannabinoid-1 receptor signalling via a kinetic modelling approach Xiao Zhu
1215-1230 h Evaluation of study designs to test the intact nephron hypothesis Sudeep Pradhan
1230-1330 h Lunch
Session: Free oral presentations 4
Chair: Carl Kirkpatrick
1330-1345 h Student prize presentations Nick Holford
1345-1400 h Extrapolation of acetaminophen PK models from adults to paediatricians Harvey Ho
1400-1415 h How many NMLE articles are published in higher Impact Factor clinical journals? Stefanie Hennig
1415-1430 h Analyzing endpoints with many ordered categories: theory and applications Chuanpu Hu
1400-1445 h Dose banding- weighing up benefits vs risks Stephen Duffull
1445-1500 h Meeting Closes

End of PAGANZ program